About Me

For as long as I can remember I’ve had an innate need to create.  Build.  Learn.  Express.  Most of the time this came about in some form of artistic expression.  Drawing was my favorite thing as a child.  Then electronics.  Then music.  Then photography.  Over the last three years photography has become a huge part of who I am.  It makes up so much of my being that I can’t imagine my life without a camera. If my Nikon isn’t strapped around my neck then I’ve got my iPhone in my pocket ready to capture fleeting moments as they happen.  And ever since my family began to grow I started to see how important it was to grab those little moments.

I love details.  From the length of a baby's eyelashes and the chub of her little piggies down to a young boy's tattered shoe laces.  Life itself is in the small details.  I don’t ever want to forget what these things looked like.  And so many times I have flown through the motions of work and being busy that I’ve missed those details.  Not anymore!  I’ve made it a personal mission of mine to do everything I can to capture those memories.
To me, photography isn’t just a picture.  It’s emotion.  It’s raw.  It’s eternal.  It’s a memory made tangible.  Most days we go through the motions of work and school and home-life.  But in between the “motions”, we’re all writing a pretty great story.  I hope to be able to capture that for you.  

This Is Our Life - A 52 Week Lifestyle Photo Project by Paint the Moon Photoshop Actions

As some of you may already know, I am participating in a 52 Week Lifestyle Project through Paint the Moon Photography for 2013.  If you're interested in following the work or participating with us, feel free!  Photographers of ALL levels are encouraged to participate.